Is ScourgeBringer the 2D Doom?
Not anymore than 2D Doom was 2D Doom. ScourgeBringer, is a fantastic dungeon-based roguelike with an aggressive soundtrack, extremely fast and dynamic real time battle mechanics. It will rope you in and keep you in the dungeons for a lot longer than you might think.

ScourgeBringer was released cross platform on 21st October 2020. I first played the game’s demo on the Nintendo Switch before getting the release on Steam. The game’s demo is prime example of how to do demos right, although I have written about those before. I am a big fan of rogue likes and the art style is what sold me on this game. I am going to write about a few things that, in my opinion, the game did well. An aggressive soundtrack and sound design. Clean precise art style, and strong game mechanics.
I chose to call ScourgeBringer the 2D Doom because of its gore and its excellent sound design. I am glad that game designers are taking the time to flesh out their game’s sound design and background music. Whenever you performed any actions, the sound design made every interaction worthwhile.
ScourgeBringer employs an aggressive soundtrack much like Mick Gordon’s DOOM 2016 soundtrack. It handles the soundtrack in the same way DOOM 2016 handled it, upon first contact.
A great soundtrack with each ‘world’ also having its own musical identity. It helped the frantic, fast paced action that went on screen.

Art style
I have a soft spot for very detailed high-resolution pixel art. Its one of those styles that need a lot of work to get right and it looked so calming and soothing despite its content. I must commend the game artists on a brilliant and stunning job.
The art style is what caught my eye and convinced me to give this game a shot. The deeper you go into the game more intricate and complex the art becomes, and it makes the game come alive.
The real meat and bones of this game comes in the form of its real time free-floating action. The way the action unfolds in this game is the core reason why I wanted to talk about it. I’ll still with the good.

The game moves fast. You are always moving across the room using dashes, wall riding, double jumps, and slams. The game gives you a lot of freedom with how you can get from killing one enemy to the next enemy. This was my favorite part of the game, challenging myself to clear rooms without touching the ground. The game incentives this as it also rewards you with more blood the faster you kill and clear rooms.
In addition to your melee attacks, you are also given a gun which can attain different forms throughout the progress of the run in game. You have to think about the way you are performing your combos, interlacing each combo with your gun to not only keep you distance when the bosses are attacking you relentlessly but also using it to keep your combo up, rewarding you with more blood and a more satisfying kill streak.

Now the bad: The game is fast. There are times when I am unable to even track my character as I just smash my dash key hoping to get out as quickly as I can. There is often so much enemies and their attacks on screen that you unable to see yourself. The game also has cool downs for certain abilities which need precise timings and often leaves you open to attack. I felt like these were very unforgiving.
Early on the game is unforgiving and you will have to play the same first stage about fourteen times before you finally get to defeat the boss. The game also takes a lot of inspiration from bullet hell games this regard.
ScourgeBringer has its problems, but it is an otherwise fun, frustrating, but so very satisfying time. At the very least, I recommend you pick up the demo for the game. I have not completed the game yet, but I will be returning to it ever so often to see just how far I can get in that run.